Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Getting ready for the road!!!

Hello, this is Braille with the first official FamilyBlog update. This year me and my family are going to be touring together all summer. We did a three week test run in February and baby Gabriella did a great job. Our first trip was with Ohmega Watts, Theory Hazit and others. This time, it's just us!!! Myself, my wife Nikki and Gabriella. It's going to be an adventure for sure. We are hoping to be able to buy a laptop within the next three weeks so that we can easily update our blog. Either way, we're going to make an effort to share pictures and stories from our experience on the road. To view my full tour schedule, check out www.myspace.com/braillebrizzy. As you can tell, we are going to be super busy. Your prayers during our travels will be greatly appreciated.

We will be back soon with updates from the whole family once we officially start our tour.